Are there clear processes for renewal, nonrenewal, and revocation decisions?
Statute requires the state authorizer to issue school performance renewal reports and requires schools seeking renewal to apply for it using renewal application guidance provided by the state authorizer.
State law requires the state authorizer to have clear criteria for renewal and nonrenewal decisions and to base decisions on evidence in accordance with the performance framework set forth in the charter contract. The law provides that the state authorizer may not renew the charter of any charter school that, during the school's final operating year under the term of the charter contract, is designated an "F" school under the school accreditation rating system.
Statute requires charter contract renewals to be for five-year terms, although it allows the state authorizer to vary the terms based on the particular circumstances of a charter school.
State law requires the state authorizer to provide schools with timely notification of potential revocation and due process, including the requirement to conduct a public hearing. It requires all charter renewal, non-renewal, and revocation decisions be made in a public meeting, with the state authorizer stating reasons for non-renewals and revocations in writing.
Statute requires the state authorizer to develop a charter school termination protocol to ensure timely notification to parents, orderly transition of students and student records, and proper disposition of public funds, property, and assets.