Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
State Scores for this Component
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Alabama law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Alaska law allows new starts and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Arizona law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Arkansas law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
California law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Colorado law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Connecticut law provides that state charters are new start-ups and are approved by the state board of education. It also provides that local charters are conversions of a traditional public school or part of a traditional public school into a charter school and are approved by the local or regional board of education of the school districts in which it is located and by the state board of education.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Delaware law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
The law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Florida law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Georgia law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Hawaii law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Idaho law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Illinois law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Indiana law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Iowa law allows applications for converting an existing building into a charter school or creating a new building for a charter school (which is interpreted as a new start-upnew start-ups and conversions).
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Kansas law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Louisiana law allows new start-ups and public school conversions. Louisiana law divides them into types: Type 1 (new start-up approved by local school board); Type 2 (new start-up or public school conversion approved by state board of education); Type 3 (public school conversion approved by local school board); Type 3B (a former type 5 charter school transferred from the recovery school district to the administration and management of the transferring local school system); Type 4 (new start-up or public school conversion based on contract between local school board and state board of education), and Type 5 (public school conversion transferred to the recovery school district and authorized by the state board of education).
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Maine law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Maryland law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Massachusetts law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Michigan law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Minnesota law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Mississippi law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Missouri law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Nevada law allows new start-ups but not public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
New Hampshire law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
New Jersey law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
New Mexico law allows new start-ups but not public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
New York law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
North Carolina law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Ohio law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Oklahoma law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Oregon law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Pennsylvania law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Rhode Island law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
South Carolina law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Tennessee law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Texas law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Utah law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Virginia law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Washington law allows new start-ups, but does not allow public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
West Virginia law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Wisconsin law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.
Are a variety of charter schools allowed?
Wyoming law allows new start-ups and public school conversions.